April 1, 2023
Henley have gone into liquidation… April Fool ! Alright, it was a poor joke…
Before I start on the March update I want to touch on the terrible news yesterday that one of Henley’s competitors has gone into liquidation.
As someone who is currently going through a build, I can only imagine the anguish Porter Davis customers are going through right now. Mid last year I wrote a post about the crisis in the construction industry and the reason I was satisfied that Henley would be fine. Nothing has changed in that regard.
On March 7, 2023, I had my completion stage meeting with the site supervisor. This meeting is mostly to identify any defects Henley need to repair and there were many, mostly, but not entirely, cosmetic items identified.
On the same day I had my independent building inspection conducted. The report identified 36 defects and as at today’s date, Henley has not formally responded to the report, though I did have a meeting with my site supervisor and the construction manager to discuss the report.
Barring that mentioned above, progress has been frustratingly slow. There has been little to no communication from Henley for almost the entire month. As a consequence of the slow progress and radio silence, I sent Henley a WTF (figuratively) is going on email.
Progress !
Later on the day of my email I receive a flurry of messages from Henley, the most important of which was an on site appointment to hand me the keys to the house. Completion !
Earlier today I visited the site and there is still a ton of stuff to be completed, in fact, there’s no chance Henley will complete all of it in time for the handover. There will be many items which will be need to be rectified once I have possession.
Building with Henley has been a frustrating experience. Various quality issue have been at best ignored, at worst, deliberately covered up. I will take possession of the house next week but I will need to drag Henley to deliver the quality product they promised.